All Of Us
Can Prevent
Gun Violence
Together, we can fight gun violence through education & prevention. Join All of Us to access the tools, training, and information you need to help end gun violence.
5 questions to ask your...

... around safety and the prevention and intervention of gun violence.

It’s going to take “All of Us” to fight gun violence. The fact that you’re here tells me you’re done waiting for someone else to end gun violence, and you’re ready to take action.
After the terrible tragedy at Oxford High School, I set out to learn everything I could about gun violence. And the heartbreaking thing I found, considering all the children and people who have died, is that - gun violence is preventable.
And we all have the power to do something about it.
When the Oxford shooting happened, the first thing I did was charge both the shooter and his parents for their roles in the deaths of Hana, Madisyn, Tate, and Justin. It was an important first step to hold those who enable gun violence accountable, and we won important convictions against the parents, opening up a new front in the fight to end these terrible tragedies. But it was only the first step. We will never prosecute our way out of this.
Over the 2+ years the Oxford case wound through the justice system, parents, especially moms, came up to me and asked, “What can we do to keep our kids safe?” I didn’t have any good answers.
That’s why I started the Commission to Address Gun Violence - a wide swath of local, state, and national experts in many different disciplines. People who had been working on gun violence for years, but had never been together in the same room. A first of its kind group will soon release evidence-based recommendations designed to address every aspect of gun violence, in a holistic way. The approach? To start way upstream to tackle the root causes of gun violence, instead of waiting until the moment someone picks up a gun.
That’s why I’ve started the All of Us Foundation - to provide citizens with the information, tools and resources they need to use their own power to keep our communities safe through education and prevention.
Please act now to join All of Us.

Karen McDonald
Oakland County Prosecutor
All Of Us Can Prevent Gun Violence
Together, we can fight gun violence through education & prevention. Join All of Us to access the tools, training, and information you need to help end gun violence.
5 questions to ask your...

... around safety and the prevention and intervention of gun violence.

It’s going to take “All of Us” to fight gun violence. The fact that you’re here tells me you’re done waiting for someone else to end gun violence, and you’re ready to take action.
After the terrible tragedy at Oxford High School, I set out to learn everything I could about gun violence. And the heartbreaking thing I found, considering all the children and people who have died, is that - gun violence is preventable.
And we all have the power to do something about it.
When the Oxford shooting happened, the first thing I did was charge both the shooter and his parents for their roles in the deaths of Hana, Madisyn, Tate, and Justin. It was an important first step to hold those who enable gun violence accountable, and we won important convictions against the parents, opening up a new front in the fight to end these terrible tragedies. But it was only the first step. We will never prosecute our way out of this.
Over the 2+ years the Oxford case wound through the justice system, parents, especially moms, came up to me and asked, “What can we do to keep our kids safe?” I didn’t have any good answers.
That’s why I started the Commission to Address Gun Violence - a wide swath of local, state, and national experts in many different disciplines. People who had been working on gun violence for years, but had never been together in the same room. A first of its kind group will soon release evidence-based recommendations designed to address every aspect of gun violence, in a holistic way. The approach? To start way upstream to tackle the root causes of gun violence, instead of waiting until the moment someone picks up a gun.
That’s why I’ve started the All of Us Foundation - to provide citizens with the information, tools and resources they need to use their own power to keep our communities safe through education and prevention.
Please act now to join All of Us.

Karen McDonald
Oakland County Prosecutor